
Saturday, February 04, 2006

My Experience with the Federal Government in My Street

My Experience with the Federal Government in My Street

The first aerial used was similiar to a uhf antenna. They kept that pointed directly away from my house while they stepped over to my front yard to discuss it. At that point I walked out of the house and walked up to them. I asked them what they were doing. One of them backed away from me while the other mumbled something about signals. I shrugged and went back into the house to watch them. They had a little box thing in their hands that they kept looking at and they kept walking over to my front yard, and then back to the trucks.

I thought it was strange and then after about an hour they left.

Only to return two days later and park once again directly in front of my home. This time there was no cars in my driveway and they stuck their antennas up on the back of their 4wd and kept it turning around and around, once again pointing at my house.

By this time the hackles in my neck had raised past curious level into alert phase. They used two different antennas that time, one similiar to the uhf tv thingy and the other was like a square grid, which they attached to a long yellow pole that spins and was attached to the rear on the big white 4wd. Once again they had a hand held box and kept pointing to my house and away from it again. I raced around the house looking for a camera and found it, with no batteries. I had left the batteries at our shop on charge. What a time to be out of batteries. One of the trucks had a telstra sticker on it while the other didn't . Telstra is Australia's Telecommunications company. The cellphone section is private and the rest not privatised as yet.

They stayed this time for over an hour, gesturing and pointing madly. I don't think they knew I was home inside before they finally drove off using my driveway to turn around.

A few days later my daughter came running in to say that the truck was back. A large white 4wd, no markings except many antennas was cruising up and down past my house. This went on for nearly an hour before they finally left.

I had peace for nearly a week and then yesterday they came back again. By now I was getting mighty tired of this unexplained intrusion. Both 4wd's had no markings this time except once again for the multiple antennas on the bumpers and roofs.

This time they parked a little up the road from my place and pointed the antenna in my direction. They were there a fair while before I remembered that I had bought the batteries home so i got the digital camera and walked out the front. One of my other neighbours had come out to ask them what they were doing as I took the picture.

The man yelled out to me at that point. "Excuse me ma'am federal government checking on interference signals".

I sorta grinned and waved and went back to the house and kept watching them. Both seemed disturbed over my picture taking antics. After another hour or so they drove off.

Ok this might all be innocent but i couldn't help thinking about something that happened to my daughter and myself a month or so ago.

I was tired so i told everyone I was off to bed. I went into my bedroom and sat on the edge of my bed feeling a bit dizzy. I leaned over to pick my jammies up from the floor next to the bed and stopped frozen. As I bent over I could hear a whoosh whoosh whoosh noise like a heartbeat very faintly. A steady rythmic beat. As I sat back up the sound disappeared, at about bed level. I leaned back down, I could hear it well, I leaned back up, the sound disappeared.

I called my 18 year old daughter into the room and told her to sit on the bed and lean over slowly. She did so, I then told her to lean back up. As she did she turned and looked at me bug eyed, "what the hell is that" she said. She leaned back down and then up again. "I have never heard anything so weird before".

I wondered at that point whether the signal we had heard was the reason i felt so fuzzy headed at home. If I go out somewhere my head clears and the ringing in my ears stops. Once I get home again its like a cloudy fog descends upon me.

We havent heard the weird noise under the bed lately but what amazed me was once you sat up to a certain level, the sound disappeared completely.

I am not sure of anything but its all weird to me.


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