
Monday, February 06, 2006

Rigorous Intuition: Don't look now

Rigorous Intuition: Don't look now

I firmly believe people are ignoarant because it is less painful than to wake up and realise the world is not all that it seems. That beneath the surface of society's shiny veneer evil lurks.

We the people have been fooled for so long, it is perhps easier to keep on being fooled than to wake up realising you are the fool and a prime one at that.

Its easier to stay sleeping and to be blinded by the sunslight than to wake up in a dark dismal world surrounded by lies and deceit. It is easier to wear blinkers, blindly follow thy leader than to stumble about in the dark, cold lonely and scared. It is far more benificial to accept the titbits and false promises than to exist with nothing but the truth, the whole truth.

The comfort zone is a place that we the people will not step out of, not when we have it so cushy. Im alright Jack so I really don't want to know that you're not alright, that life's not alright.

Lifes Lies

The fright and the terror
that creates all life's tears
is born of religion
which creates all life's fears.

Satanism or hatred
Christianity alike
all are just mirrors
on the scales of our psyches

Follow thy leader
all the rule books do say
obey and work hard
to earn a weeks pay

Day and day out
year after year
sleeping and working
'til the ending is near

Not having no time
nor energy for fun
living life bleak
the work never done

Creating suppression
of instinct and light
blinding the glory
of nature's delight

Clouding the images
of the spirit called man
The soul put in chains
cross and nails in his hand

but whether the cross is upright
or spun in reverse
as you see from these lines
its mirrored its curse.

Good and evil are created
from fiction not fact
to explain it this way
is a matter of tact.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Laura Knight Jadczyk: Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Laura Knight Jadczyk: Bridge Over Troubled Waters

I was sitting here thinking about our experiences with disinformation over the last months.

It take a lot to fool us but yet we were taken and fooled by the best of the best. Its like santa claus really. You trust in something, care for something and get excited at the tought of it being there, you believe in it and only see the good and happy things it brings you. You take comfort in it being there and then suddenly you wake up one day and someone tells you its not real. That's like the Internet these days.

Six months ago if you had asked me for one personally, I would have said the people control the net, the government can never take that from the people. Now today I couldn't say the same. I would have to say the Government does control the net, it controls the way you think and directs you in the direction it wants to take you.

Awareness was always there of Echelon, the government watching of telecommunications, email, phone, snail mail, radio and so on. But to finally realise how deep the claws of the government dig is incredible. Psyops and mind control by the use of such programs as cointelpro counter intellignce programs. Silent infiltration of the peoples media by trained agents.

Usenets groups, mail lists, forums, bulletin boards, chat rooms, the place where the people talk freely and go about their newly created cyberlives without realising the sinister face of that person sitting beside them in virtual reality, hidden behind a keyboard and an ip address, nameless, faceless and their to do a job.

To search out the undesirables, they are not so visible on the streets anymore, the fight has stepped into cyberspace. The protesters and the justic fighters have abandoned the picket lines for a new media where they can freely have their say, well they think.

The Jeff Wiesses of the world, lonely in a place of darkness but shares his innermost thoughts and dark desires via the net, on forums and in weblogs not unlike this one. Vunerable and exposed, weaknesses and flaws being worn like badges. Weaknesses to be exposed, flaws to be taken and twisted and used. Loaded guns pointed aimed and fired.

The people who stand up and shout this is not right, do so by finger tapping madly away, posting entry after entry of data and thoughts. Who needs to watch you? Who needs to bug you? Who needs to follow you? When YOU fill your days blog with your days activites and your innermost dreams, who is watching, recording, taking notes?

The people have taken cyberpsace as their own, an extension of themselves that they wouldn't share with their families, co workers, girlfriends or boyfriends but the blog hears all. The post on that forum says exactly what you are thinking, what you are feeling, what you are going to do next, but who cares? Well that is the question, who does care? Who would care enough about it to employ a program who cares about just that.

Cyberspace is inhabited by those who dare to be different, the lost souls, the thinkers, the smart ones. The ones who couldn't be bothered going down to the pub for a beer and a game of pool and a buddy buddy chat with the boys playing darts. No, come to think of it, cyberspacce doesn't even have much of a pub role playing game scene.

Cyberspace is a virtual world for a new genre of being. and somewhere in cyberspace there is a place just for that person, whether it be a techie hangout, conspiracy hangout, role playing game hangout, army war games hangout, news hangout or lonely hearts club and even sex hangout.

It's like the holladeck on star trek voyage. Theres something for everyone to immerse in, fantasize and find a home for their mind. Whatever your fancy, whatever your whim, whatever yuo DESIRE. Whatever your weakness, it's there. and that is the key weakness, rule number one onhow to exploit the enemy... through their weakness.

A simple tracker and everything is known, sexual preference, likes, dislikes, a full psychological profile can be created. A simple read of an Internet blog, even if it's set to private will reveal all.

But why? Why would all this be exploited? Why would everything be infiltrated at such a high saturation point?

The answer to that si simple, long ago the government realised that the next stage of dissident action would start through like minded people being drawn to familiararity on the Internet. Dissident action would start through the underground and through Internet communication methods. It had to be infiltrated early, tropps put in place armed and ready for action. If you believe that 9/11 was an inside job, then you are going to go and search out others that believe /11 was an inside job. There you will find infiltration designed to control your thoughts, change your mind and nip you in the bud.

If you believe and realise that the JFK assassination was a massive cover-up that could only have been perpetrated in such high form by a gov agency or agencies then sooner or later you are going to search out further truthes, further confirmation and discussion of your thoughts and ideas. If t was such a massive government cover-up then it stands to reason that psyops will be at war.

Smoking Mirrors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cradle and All.

Smoking Mirrors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cradle and All.

Don't ever give up on freedom. Today our society is given the impression we are feee. Free of speech and free of thought. We are not free. We are the target of those who rule, those who must be obeyed and those that are the rich in our capitalistic society. We the people have been reduced to slavedom but as we earn a smal wage, a token of freedom we the people do not understand the chains of our bondage.

The Internet was seen by we the people as freedom of expression, as a way of expressing our thoughts, expressing our ideas and expressing our concerns with the shaping of our world but cyberspace has become a sinister bastion of control.

In the last few years our eyes have been opened to the deviousness of cyberspace. Of the new term coined in sin and lies, "cointelpro", the Counter Intelligence Program. How deep does it go.

Where once we believed that there possibly may be a few cointelpro agents scattered here and there watching and listening, it hasn't been until now that the depths of such programs and the deviousness of operatives has been revealed.

No it's not just China that is controlled with such tight bonds, it is us, "we the people" that are also chained to the walls of cyberspace and our every thought and writing controlled. Controlled by nameless, faceless opposition, shapeshifters, name changers and disinformation agents who do reign supreme. So subtlely that 95 percent of people wandering around in cyberspace do not even know the faceless opposition exists. Silently planting misinformation, quietly weeding out opposition to official lines and sneakily destroying those who do wake up. Those that do find out and those that realise they have been a fool for so long.

But is it so bad to be a fool and place trust, no it is far worse to deceive and to break trust. To take a truth and create a lie.

The Pyramid

YOU opened up the doorway
AND risked a look inside.
YOU couldn't share the vision
AND the truth you had to hide.

YOU didn't build the pyramid
AND structure things just right.
YOU went and split the atom
AND were blinded by sunlight.

YOU forgot to use a mirror
AND bounce it all around.
YOU turned away, closed the eye
AND didn't speak a sound.

YOU didn't see me watching
AND knowing all the lie.
YOU kept on chaining spirit
AND didn't hear it's sigh.

YOU lusted for more power
AND greed went hand in hand.
YOU acquired gold and diamonds
AND built castles in the sand.

YOU built up debt to Mother Earth
AND that will never be repaid.
YOU reaped the crop that you sowed
AND lay in the bed you made.

YOU have asked for nature's fury
AND that is exactly what you'll get.
YOU know nature is the balance
AND at dawn the sun will set.

Live by Ma'et. Live for truth. Live by Truth.

The Truth can always see a lie but a lie cannot always see the Truth.

Tuberculosis - Marijuana and Conspiracy

The World Health organisation has released a report by Dr Christopher Dye finding that tuberculosis is on the rise worldwide. Figures show that almost 9 million people contract the disease yearly and 2 million people, of which more than half are from the Asia Pacific region will die of the disease. Tuberculosis is a transmissable disease contracted through contact with airborne bacteria expelled when a person with active pulmonary disease coughs. The symptoms of active pulmonary Tuberculosis is a persistent cough, loss of appetite, weight loss, night fevers and profuse sweating. Patients who are HIV positive, the elderly and young children are particulary suseptible to the disease due to a lowered immune system.

There are major problems at this time worldwide in the diagnosis and testing for the disease. The current testing proceedures are outdated and do not always show accurate results.

Two types of testing is currently standard worldwide, Sputum testing, which fails on young children who cannot cough up enough sputum for accurate sample testing and Mantoux testing, which does not show if a patient is active with the disease as it only shows whether a person has been exposed to a person with active disease.

Sputum testing returns false negatives by using the current standard of acid fast staining, in which the tuberculosis bacteria reacts to the acid stain. Newer PCR which is dna testing has returned up to 80 percent positives on samples already tested by staining techniques and returned negative. Unfortunately PCR testing is expensive and many doctors worldwide are not submitting patients samples for this type of testing, instead relying on the older less accurate tests before beginning treatment.

Culture testing has also returned false negatives due to the actual bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, being sparse on samples submitted for testing. The bacteria is slow growing and cultures take up to six weeks to return results, during which time many patients go about their day to day life without being isolated, therefore multiplying the risk of the spread of the disease.

Problems also exist in countries including England and the rest of the UK where premature announcements by government officials saying that tuberculosis has been eradicated in that country have caused up to five index cases to be left undiagnosed.

Tuberculosis is often found in AIDS patients who are at an increased risk of contracting the disease due to an almost non existent immune system. Exposure to the bacteria in these patients yields more positive results than in people with steady immune systems due to the sparsity of bacteria. Repeated exposure is usually needed before a healthy person tests positive and it is not usually spread by use of shared utensils for eating or by touch.

The thought of marijuana smoking is bought into question. Up unto the 1930's before the banning of marijuana, it was used as a common cure for the disease. Nowadays marijuana smokers who share smoking utensils like 'bongs' are more likely to spread the disease alot more easily than health officials are admitting. Many marijuana smokers tested for tuerculosis through sputum testing and chest xrays show negative results, due to the marijuana keeping the pulmonary disease in check, but not removing it from the bloodstream, therfore once again making testing for the disease much more difficult with the antiquated testing proceedures used. Figures are not readily available on the marijuna tuberculosis relationship as testing with marijuana is under a worldwide ban at this present point in time and officials will not publicly speak out on the relationship of the two.

There are two types of Tuberculosis plus a number of similiar bacterias of the same family, including mycobacterium marinarum, often found in fisherman, contracted through cuts on the hands from fish infected with the bacteria. The two types pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis can be fatal if left untreated. Pulmonary tuberculosis is the more common of the two but recent studies have found that five percent of patients with tuberculosis do not have pulmonary activity which can leave the disease undiagnosed. Extra pulmonary tuberculosis can be found in almost any organ of the body including liver, skin, lymph nodes and brain. Common sysmptoms of extra pulmonary are similar to pulmonary tuberculosis without the persistent cough and often patients are found to have casseating necrotizing granulatomous growths in lymph nodes and organs.
SETTING: New cases of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) were noted in a cluster of young Caucasian males, an unusual ethnic group for this disease in Queensland, Australia. It was noted that marijuana water pipe (‘bong’) smoking was common amongst cases and contacts.

OBJECTIVE: To report this cluster of TB and to investigate whether shared use of a marijuana water pipe was associated with transmission of TB.

DESIGN: All contacts were identified and screened according to standard protocols. Cases were asked to list contacts with whom they had shared a marijuana water pipe.

RESULTS: Five cases of open pulmonary TB were identified clinically and on sputum culture, and all isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were identical on typing. Of 149 contacts identified, 114 (77%) completed screening, and 57 (50%) had significant tuberculin skin test (TST) reactions on follow-up. Of 45 contacts who had shared a marijuana water pipe with a case, 29 (64%) had a significant TST reaction.

CONCLUSION: Sharing a marijuana water pipe with a case of pulmonary TB was associated with transmission of TB (OR 2.22, 95% CI 0.96–5.17), although the most important risk factor for acquiring TB infection in this cluster was close household contact with a case (OR 4.91, 95% CI 1.13–20.70).

Saturday, February 04, 2006

A picture of me so everyone knows who is who in the zoo

At the Lagoon with my baby Kahleah


The Mormon Church in Australia another bunch of spineless tards.

An Australian author who wrote that DNA evidence fails to support the ancestral claims outlined in the Book of Mormon has been excommunicated by The Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter-day Saints.
After a three-hour disciplinary council meeting on Sunday in Canberra, Simon Southerton, author of Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA and the Book of Mormon, was informed his relationship with his religion of 30 years would be officially severed, Southerton said in an email to The Associated Press.
Southerton was charged by church authorities with adultery, but finally excommunicated for "having an inappropriate relationship with a woman," he said.

Too gutless to address and debate the real issue, the contents of the authors book. To afraid to face that maybe they are wrong. What will happen with all these organizations when people start finding out the truth, that they have been duped into believing something that just doesn't exist.

Thoughts News

I watched the channel ten news today in shocked and saddened amazement. It was about these prisons in Manila that hold thousands and thousands of boys, in tiny cramped cells. They were spilling out of the cells, not enough room to take a step without tripping over another. It was so sad. To make it worse men were mixing freely with the boys. Pedaphiles, sickos that even admitted on camera of having "special" relationships with the boys. It was so sickening, here we are squandering millions and here is these children living in hell. There was one boy with his back rotting all over, huge gaping holes in it from sleeping in such poor conditions.

In america they are raving about a 900 million dollar expedition to mars. Well and good, Im all for space exploration but at what cost to the poor of this world. While one country has such riches another has such appalling sickening poverty. These kids were mainly orphans with some petty criminals thrown in for good measure. The kids have to steal to survive. They showed another part where these young ones girls and boys under ten were living in dumps and under bridges, just sitting there sniffing glue. That's their lives, nothing more but plenty less.

It makes me wonder, how can they talk new world order while this is going on. Its sickening that in this day and age it exists. Nothing is being done about it, close your eyes, turn away and never speak a sound.


The space shuttle is landing as I am typing just going through the atmosphere now. Four minutes. Well I do hope all is well for them I can't help thinking of the kids at this moment though.

Today's news

Internet Photo's
The Age I guess - Click here free Login Required

Technology and the law may make it impossible to take legal action against paedophiles and voyeurs who take innocuous photographs of young people and post them on the internet.
A discussion paper released by the federal government concedes it may be too difficult to come up with laws to stop people putting photographs on internet sites.
It follows incidents where suspected paedophiles have photographed children and posted the images online.
The photos were not indecent but had been taken and published without the knowledge and approval of the children or their parents.
The discussion paper said this caused distress to those involved and had made parents fearful of further occurrences.

Well really I mean come on, all these laws being created to protect us are driving us more and more into a locked space. I posted a pic of my son a while ago and showed some friends online. All they could comment on was that I had to cover up his private bits. Well wow, is that what it has come to. It was a perfectly natural picture of my loving son frolicking in the ocean and I have to think about covering him up. How draconian. Why should I have to do this? Why are these people out there and like they are? Why aren't they stopped? What created them?

US Arrest Pervert Coming To Queensland
Sigh - The Age...Well It is a good News Source, Click here

An American man has been arrested in a police sting before flying to Australia to allegedly sexually abuse children.
Harold Lynn Winslow, 55, was taken into custody by US customs and immigration officials at Florida's Tampa International Airport on Saturday.
Winslow's arrest was the culmination of a three-month sting in internet chatrooms by Queensland Police's child safety bureau Taskforce Argos, working in conjunction with US authorities.
The resident of Bradenton, Florida, apparently believed he was talking to an Australian grandfather who had been arrested for having sex with his grandchildren.
Instead he was talking to an undercover cop.

I mean this for instance. On way way you could say that it was a put up. That he was put up to a potential crime by the undercover cop pushing him but on the other he exists to hurt my children. its such a bad state for this place to be in. My kids can't be free because they never know the stranger within the person they are talking to, whether it be in real life or online.

Invisible Product Encoding
The Age Again

Australian scientists hope their latest tool to combat counterfeiting will go unnoticed.
The CSIRO has developed Hidden Image Technology (HIT) where markings, invisible to the naked eye, can be digitally encoded onto product labels and documents to ensure their authenticity.
The markings, created by computer and integrated into existing images such as company logos, can be seen only with a special viewer or filter, CSIRO project leader Peter Osvath said.
HIT, which is being secretly field tested now, could be used on anything from wine labels and concert tickets to passports and medicine packaging.
It could be used commercially within months.
"The idea is that when you print an image there is a certain amount of redundancy there so you can hide information within that image," Dr Osvath said.
"You can hide information which isn't apparent to the eye and then put some kind of screen over it and the hidden image appears."

Next they will be chipping humans and GPS tracking our every move. Its getting horrid and looking into the future of all this is very scary. Humans have ceased to care. Its get what you can out of it all and F*ck you Jack. Expendible, lets get rid of the excess. ..... But what is the answer, the human population is growing year by year and the resources are being depleted more and more year by year to an unsustainable level.

What do we do.... be like a lemming and jump.....or will there be the plague that wipes out just enough to get the world back into balance/ Who will cause it? Man by his mistakes or man on purpose? Will there be more blood on the conscience of our leaders...whoops I forgot they don't have a conscience.


The Senate and The Liberal Party

Well Little Johnny continues to scoff at what the people want and arrogantly push through his own...*hrumph....I mean Is it his own Agenda? Or is there greater forces at work there. But anyhows now he is cutting the questions by the opposition and others down in the senate. Once again it is becoming like a dictorship with Jack Boots Johnny at the helm..ah yes I see it now, the similarities, both creepy little men who suffer "short man's syndrome". All he needs is the moustache and if he starts growing one, Imma getting out of here fast. They don't see it, maybe its just me that sees the parallels between history and now..... Where are our freedoms, what is this "democracy" you speak of.

Am I inciting terrorism for speaking my mind? Am I considered to be a threat because I am speaking out against the government? I love my country, I love the people, all people but the leadership leaves much to be desired. I do not love that. Soon though the very right for me to speak this way in an internet blog will be banned. *sigh but can it be stopped? can our freedoms be restored? can we be at one with nature again? Or do we think we are above all other on this planet?


And Finally for the day, A picture of the future, my wonderful tribe of rugrats. I have six of my own plus three step children. Mine are Krystal 18, Kiralea 9, Kaelan 7, Shayla 5, Brodie 3, and Kahleah Celeste 1.

If anyones going to read my blog, have fun because I love posting pictures of my kids enjoying life.

Kiralea, Kaelan Shayla and Kahleah

The kids playing outside, with the scooter behind them in my very own crop circle of weirdness that just popped up one day. See this thread for more information on my looniness

I also ran an experiment and on the other side of the yard I got an old mattress and layed it on the grass for three weeks, I moved it two days ago and it was completely dead underneath but yet there is now new growth within in the area unlike my weirdness crop circle. Even the area of the cirlce seems indented.

More Picture Below

Kahleah and Kaelan

Brodie and Shayla doing what mum does best according to my own mum, that is shimmy up the clothesline. Like mum like kids I guess. I do admit they can climb just as well as I .... and I still can climb like the best of them.... More...

Just Who Is Bin Laden

Just Who Is Bin Laden

Wake Up
My three year old son woke up just as I was going back to bed at 2 am. He woke silently and decided to put the Thunderbirds DVD on. I jumped two feet out of my chair in the study at the sound of a movie blaring out. He was sitting there with leftover pizza and a near empty bottle of coke munching away fascinated by the time I got out to the lounge room. It was so adorable. He would not go back to be for love or money, so i let him sit there and watch the movie quietly. I came back in to the office and decided to find out once and for all information about Osama Bin laden, well as much as I can without meeeting the man anyhows.

Is he A Scapegoat?
He is a fascinating figure from both sides, the muslim perspective and from the Americans. I googled him for a bio and opened up about 15 tabs of bios in firefox. The first ones I read were pretty stupid and all contained American based bias. I found out as I read more and eliminated more bios that many were wrong. I finally found one that had some good info on his history and I started reading. The guy just wants the Americans out of the muslim lands.

Link Osama Bin Laden Bio

Bin Laden was brought up with good manners. He matured as extremely humble and very generous person. He insists to join his comrades in every act. Very frequently he cooks for them and serves them. He lives a simple life in a small flat in Jeddah or in a shed in Afghanistan and insists on his family to eat simple and to dress simple.
He is known to be strictly truthful and would never lie, but he is politically conscious and believes there is a room for political maneuver even if you are devoted person. Despite being shy he has dominating personality. He speaks very little and looks serious most of the time. He would appear with a soft smile but he seldom laughs. His followers see a lot of aura on him and show great voluntary respect to him. For some reason that falls short of a proper charisma. He is not known for giving distinguished speeches, and there is almost no audio or video recordings of him.
He is widely educated and spends a good deal of time reading. He is fond of media monitoring and information gathering and research. There was always a data management team with him wherever he went.
Among the outstanding features is his courage. He will not show a flicker even if a bomb exploded near him. He was exposed to more than 40 incidents of heavy bombardment, three of them were full of death and flesh around him. A Scud missile exploded 17 meters distance from him. At one time he was almost the victim of chemical weapons. More than once he needed treatment in hospital for body injuries. Despite this courage he is very cautious person. He would not keep any electronic instrument close to his vicinity. Some times he even avoids any device even if it is a simple watch near him because he believes this might help in targeting him.
He is intelligent and has reasonable strategic thinking, but he downgrades himself in the presence of Islamic scholars. He always admires Shiekh Safar al-Hawali and would have not gone through his current controversial path if al-Hawali was free. Some people saw him as a man with vision, others doubt it. They think that he never had clear long term plan. They see the last fatwah as evidence of that.

It says above he is strictly truthful. This I do believe. It also says he likes to political manuever, this I also believe. It is easy to have people believe what you want to believe by actually not saying something. Further reading the transcript now of Peter Arnetts interview with him I came to a part where I felt both these points stood.

Link Transcript

Above he manuevers and insinuates that perhaps he knew more about these incidents than he is admitting. In fact he is almost saying yes I had something to do with them without saying it. But below is the part that pricked my ears up..or eyes whatever

Mr. Bin Ladin, were you involved in financing the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City?
BIN LADIN: I have no connection or relation with this explosion.

He is talking of the 1993 WTC bombings here and he flat out says he did not have anything to do with them at all. Whereas above when discussing Riyadh he does not deny or admit anything. I think this is indicitive. He doesn't lie, "he flat out denied the WTC bombings", he does admit manuevering, "he was very washy about the embassy bombings". I think that interview says lots about what's really going on.

Link Rotten.Com's Attempt at a Bio
Despite this tepid non-denial denial, most scholars agree the Yemen attack was the first official act of terror by al Qaeda. It might have been lame, but bin Laden and his minions were nothing if not quick learners.
Reign of Terror
The pace of bin Laden's attacks on America picked up rapidly in the years that followed, and his aim improved considerably. In 1993, Ramzi Yousef bombed the World Trade Center, working with members of another terrorist group ensconced in New York, Islamic Jihad, a radical extremist organization with branches in Palestinian territories and Egypt. Evidence suggests that bin Laden was behind the 1993 attack.

I think not, he denied it.

My Experience with the Federal Government in My Street

My Experience with the Federal Government in My Street

The first aerial used was similiar to a uhf antenna. They kept that pointed directly away from my house while they stepped over to my front yard to discuss it. At that point I walked out of the house and walked up to them. I asked them what they were doing. One of them backed away from me while the other mumbled something about signals. I shrugged and went back into the house to watch them. They had a little box thing in their hands that they kept looking at and they kept walking over to my front yard, and then back to the trucks.

I thought it was strange and then after about an hour they left.

Only to return two days later and park once again directly in front of my home. This time there was no cars in my driveway and they stuck their antennas up on the back of their 4wd and kept it turning around and around, once again pointing at my house.

By this time the hackles in my neck had raised past curious level into alert phase. They used two different antennas that time, one similiar to the uhf tv thingy and the other was like a square grid, which they attached to a long yellow pole that spins and was attached to the rear on the big white 4wd. Once again they had a hand held box and kept pointing to my house and away from it again. I raced around the house looking for a camera and found it, with no batteries. I had left the batteries at our shop on charge. What a time to be out of batteries. One of the trucks had a telstra sticker on it while the other didn't . Telstra is Australia's Telecommunications company. The cellphone section is private and the rest not privatised as yet.

They stayed this time for over an hour, gesturing and pointing madly. I don't think they knew I was home inside before they finally drove off using my driveway to turn around.

A few days later my daughter came running in to say that the truck was back. A large white 4wd, no markings except many antennas was cruising up and down past my house. This went on for nearly an hour before they finally left.

I had peace for nearly a week and then yesterday they came back again. By now I was getting mighty tired of this unexplained intrusion. Both 4wd's had no markings this time except once again for the multiple antennas on the bumpers and roofs.

This time they parked a little up the road from my place and pointed the antenna in my direction. They were there a fair while before I remembered that I had bought the batteries home so i got the digital camera and walked out the front. One of my other neighbours had come out to ask them what they were doing as I took the picture.

The man yelled out to me at that point. "Excuse me ma'am federal government checking on interference signals".

I sorta grinned and waved and went back to the house and kept watching them. Both seemed disturbed over my picture taking antics. After another hour or so they drove off.

Ok this might all be innocent but i couldn't help thinking about something that happened to my daughter and myself a month or so ago.

I was tired so i told everyone I was off to bed. I went into my bedroom and sat on the edge of my bed feeling a bit dizzy. I leaned over to pick my jammies up from the floor next to the bed and stopped frozen. As I bent over I could hear a whoosh whoosh whoosh noise like a heartbeat very faintly. A steady rythmic beat. As I sat back up the sound disappeared, at about bed level. I leaned back down, I could hear it well, I leaned back up, the sound disappeared.

I called my 18 year old daughter into the room and told her to sit on the bed and lean over slowly. She did so, I then told her to lean back up. As she did she turned and looked at me bug eyed, "what the hell is that" she said. She leaned back down and then up again. "I have never heard anything so weird before".

I wondered at that point whether the signal we had heard was the reason i felt so fuzzy headed at home. If I go out somewhere my head clears and the ringing in my ears stops. Once I get home again its like a cloudy fog descends upon me.

We havent heard the weird noise under the bed lately but what amazed me was once you sat up to a certain level, the sound disappeared completely.

I am not sure of anything but its all weird to me.

Miranshah and Afghanistan
Pakistani forces have recovered an unmanned drone aircraft and a major weapons cache in a raid on a suspected Al Qaeda hideout in the tribal areas near Afghanistan, a top commander says.
Militants used the Chinese-made vehicle to spy on security forces in the rugged area, where Pakistani soldiers have been battling Islamic militants for more than a year, Lieutenant General Safdar Hussain told reporters.
The find, believed to be the first of its kind in Pakistan, came on the same day as President Pervez Musharraf unveiled plans to build a fence along part of the border with Afghanistan to curb the movement of militants.
Twenty-one people were arrested in Monday's raid on a compound and religious school near Miranshah, capital of the North Waziristan tribal zone, General Hussain said.
The buildings are owned by relatives of a former Taliban minister.
"The terrorists used the RPV (remotely-piloted vehicle) to check the position of security forces and attack them," the general said, adding the drone was capable of carrying weapons.
A military officer from the army's Signal Corps said the vehicle had a sophisticated, wide-angle camera to take pictures of targets on the ground, while General Hussain said they had seized a CD which pinpointed Pakistani troops.
Security forces also found a "suicide jacket" and Jordanian, Afghan and Pakistani passports along with Al Qaeda training material from the compound, he said.
Additionally they uncovered a cache of weapons including 17 machine guns, 29 rockets, 51 grenades, eight improvised bombs and 10 landmines, he added.

Miranshah has had a chequered past in recent times, being the centre of much activity in the war against terror - Afghan Division. The article didn't hit major news and didn't really hit the American headlines as much as I thought it would.

To capture the drone aircraft would have been a major victory by allied forces and i would have thought that they would have been screaming the victory from the rooftops. But it is increasingly harder and harder to find good articles on the war and the current offensives carried out by the allied forces. Media coverage is tight with most of what is coming out of the region "the official line", the journalism seems to be partially propoganda and partially soft items that brush over casualties inflicted on opposing "insurgents"

Miranshah has been in the news with other incidents such as the following snippets over the past few months. It does make me wonder what really is going on in the area.
3 Miranshah admin officials shot dead
* Administration orders to ‘shoot at sight’ men with arms
Three people died and three were wounded on Monday when a tribesman fired at administration officials trying to confiscate his Kalashnikov rifle in a town near the Afghan border, government sources said.
Miranshah political Tehsildar Iftikhar Ahmed Khattak, Moharir Ali Amroz and tribal policeman Dil Muhammad were gunned down in Miranshah’s crowded bazaar, Razmak Adda, a senior administration official told Daily Times.
Ali died at the scene while Iftikhar and Dil Muhammad were pronounced dead in hospital. A policeman and two passers-by were also injured, he said. The gunman fled after the incident.
After the killings, authorities have ordered to “shoot at sight” if anyone is seen with weapons in the Miranshah Bazaar, the official said. Political Agent Tariq Hayat and Tochi Scouts Commandant Waheed Bangash declared that armed persons in Miranshah Bazaar would be shot at sight from today onward.
MIRANSHAH: Three government officials were killed and three others were wounded Monday when gunmen fired at them in Miranshah town in the troubled North Waziristan tribal region near the border with Afghanistan.
North Waziristan’s political agent Tariq Hayat told The News that two of the killers had been arrested after hectic efforts while manhunt had been launched to apprehend their two accomplices. He identified the two arrested tribesmen as Gul Badshah and his nephew Sher Badshah belonging to the Borakhel Wazir sub-tribe. He said curfew had been imposed in Miranshah and Mir Ali towns from 9 pm to 5 am and shoot-at-sight orders had been given against anyone carrying a gun. He said the paramilitary Frontier Corps had been given extra powers in a bid to track down the killers.
Those killed included Miranshah’s tehsildar Iftikhar Khattak, political moharrir Ali Imroze and member of the khassadar force Abdul Hameed. Khattak was critically wounded and died from his injuries in the hospital. The other two were killed on the spot. The three wounded persons included a khassadar and two bystanders. All three were hospitalized.
MIRANSHAH: A remote-controlled bomb went off 25 kilometres from Miranshah in North Waziristan on Wednesday, damaging an army water supply tanker.
The bomb was planted in the Madakhel Saraey area of the Datta Khel Bazaar. Sources said the device badly damaged the army vehicle, but no loss of life was reported. Local authorities are investigating the incident. online
Pakistani doctors examine the body of one of two government officials in a hospital who were caught in an ambush by unidentified gunmen in Miranshah, about 400 km (250 miles) northwest of Islamabad, September 5, 2005. The gunmen killed the government officials on Monday in Pakistan's tribal belt, near the Afghan border where al Qaeda-linked militants are believed to be hiding, a witness said.
PESHAWAR, Aug 22: Security forces arrested 10 suspected militants and seized weapons, wigs and women’s outfits from a fake madressah near Miranshah, an Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) press release said on Monday.
A deserted compound, designed to look like a religious school, was raided late on Sunday, it said.
“The compound was being used as a terrorist den. Security forces carried out a search following a tip-off that suspected militants visited the compound,” said the statement.
During the search, the troops seized grenades, fuses, guns, binoculars, daggers and commando uniforms as well as women costumes and wigs, it said.
“The madressah had been established in an unpopulated location and is an attempt on part of terrorists to use the cover of religious places for sabotage activities,” the military said.
In a related development, security forces arrested seven suspected terrorists from Mera Din town in Shawal Valley in the tribal belt while three others were held in the area near the Afghan border.
MIRANSHAH, May 6: A bomb blast wrecked a cluster of music and video shops in a remote town where militants had warned people of possible attacks, police said on Friday. There were no casualties in the attack in Miranshah, the main town of the troubled tribal region of North Waziristan, 300km southwest of the capital, Islamabad, and close to the Afghan border. The explosion happened after midnight and the street where the shops were concentrated was deserted.
Militants, linked with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, distributed hand-written leaflets in Miranshah earlier this week asking hotels and music shops to stop showing television and selling DVD movies within five days or face the consequences.
“We received that leaflet, but ignored it and threw it away,” Mohammed Aziz, one of the shopkeepers, told Reuters.
“We don’t know who has done it. We demand that the government provide us security and compensate us for these losses.” Days earlier, a Miranshah man was shot dead by a suspected Taliban gunman. A note was found on his body saying that he was punished for spying on militants. Security officials say about 100 militants are known to be in the area — many of them having escaped from an army offensive in neighbouring South Waziristan last year.—Reuters

The Planet and Mankind

Will the planet survive "The Change" will humanity learn and grow from their mistakes and move towards a peaceful culture of worldwide peace, or will man's blood lust destroy him in the process. It seems that there is a point, fantasy or real where each species in evolution comes to "The Change". The ability is given to that species to be able to wipe themselves out. The splitting of the Atom was our first big change and first ability to properly destroy ourselves. So now it is a choice, to use that knowledge for peace or war... prosperity or destruction. Only a species that can overcome that blood lust and overcome greed can move forward, towards building a civilisation for our children and the generations to come.

If that move is not made, mankind will self destruct and a new species will take it's place at the top of the chain. Evolve or die. Grow or be extinguished.

While there are people starving, people at war and people creating deadly viruses for use in war, mankind moves closer to that red self destruct button every minute. Now is the crucial time, Humanity is walking the tightrope and just one teeny slip can mean the end of it all.

But if mankind overcomes lust, and works now for the future and struggles along that tightrope to the other side, then mankind will grow strong and move into the new era with new knowledge, strength and power.

That power has been given, now is the choice of mankind what to do with that knowledge. To use that power to create or destroy.

Women and Their Bodies - Energy Force

am a woman, well you knew that and every month I notice in the mirror that my face and hair soften up and look more attractive when I am ovulating, well along with other feelings ..... :D that how should I say......are noticebly heightened at ovulation compared to other times of month.

I notice I get a tiny touch of acne (I have never suffered the horrendous curse badly) around period time and my hair loses the spark it had two weeks prior. It is a gradual change that starts at periods, peaks at ovulation and falls at period time.

Guys, take a look at your ladies and ask them how they feel. Do they feel and look more attractive around ovulation ......AKA baby time?

It helps to understand a partners as well as your own rythm as such.

I think there is much base to this theory about visible and invisible oestregen and other hormones and their effect on mating matters.

Beauty may just be skin deep,10117,17114663-23109,00.html
A WOMAN'S fertility is as plain as the nose on her face – or more particularly her cheekbones, chin and skin – but not if she is wearing make-up, scientists said today.
Researchers at the University of Saint Andrews in Scotland made the claim after asking volunteers to rate pictures of 59 young women aged 19 to 25 for attractiveness, health and femininity.
Comparing the results to an analysis of the photographed women's levels of oestrogen, they found that those with high counts of the sex hormone were judged to be prettier by both male and female participants.
As a result, they were more likely to catch the attention of the opposite sex.
"Women are effectively advertising their general fertility with their faces," Miriam Law Smith, a psychologist who led the study, said.
"Our findings could explain why men universally seem to prefer feminine women's faces."
"In evolutionary terms, it makes sense for men to favour feminine, fertile women," she added. "Those that did would have had more babies."
Oestrogen has an impact on a girl's appearance during puberty, particularly on bone growth and skin texture.

Now I know why I have so many babies..... :D ....

When I have my babies, my hair falls out starting when the baby is about 2 to 3 months old and doesn't start growing again until the baby is nearly a year old, full recovery nearly two years. Same with my skin and nails. I look terrible, gaunt and drawn. Co-incidently this is the time, that way back in nature, a woman at her weakest and busiest would not have wanted to conceive again. A babe in arms and one in belly did not bode well for caveman times. Perhaps these hormone levels, that show physically on the face and are felt inside are an inbuilt system for making sure things are "right". For making sure the balance is upheld.

I have been told by my doctor this is because of the hormones. A pregnant woman looks attractive but Its not the git em sexy attractiveness, there is a sereneness and rotective quality. of course this doesn't go for all many men are actually very turned on by their partner being pregnant.

A womans body holds many hormonal keys. We are accustomed to one and have been since it was first used as a defence against killing hubbies..... that is PMT.......

I have always been against artifical hormone use in birth control. I fell pregnant twice on the pill when I was 20 and then gave it up as a bad joke. In 1995 I fell pregnant with my nine year old daughter, she was born in 96, my son was born in 98, my daughter was born in 00, my son was born in 02, my daughter was born in 04. All within the period between April and October. I have never used birth control in that time and well I am a healthy woman with healthy appetites and I was married in that period of time.

So it would make sense, that if I was fertile and I have admitted to actual heightened feelings at that time of month that I can't ignore, then I should have fallen pregnant a lot earlier. But in each case it has been the same. Just as my hair and nails start to look good and my skin is clear and clean without blotches or patches, then I fall pregnant again... *sigh every two years. I haven't "tried" to conceive with any of my children.

Us women are taught about our 28 day period cycle and nothing more. We learn nothing deep about our bodies. many women today do not know when they are ovulating and fertile and they don't know when their periods are due. I am usually out by an hour or so max. 28 days minus 2 to3 hours.......

I talk to my daughters friends and they do not have a clue about their bodies, they don't even know "you get pregnant at ovulation time" or "you ovulate around two weeks after your period".

Unless a woman is in tune with herself, she can't share that part of herself successfully with man, after all how can he know her when she doesn't know herself. We have come so far from nature that we no longer listen to our body clocks. We no longer tune into the inner pulse that sustains us.