
Saturday, February 04, 2006

Thoughts News

I watched the channel ten news today in shocked and saddened amazement. It was about these prisons in Manila that hold thousands and thousands of boys, in tiny cramped cells. They were spilling out of the cells, not enough room to take a step without tripping over another. It was so sad. To make it worse men were mixing freely with the boys. Pedaphiles, sickos that even admitted on camera of having "special" relationships with the boys. It was so sickening, here we are squandering millions and here is these children living in hell. There was one boy with his back rotting all over, huge gaping holes in it from sleeping in such poor conditions.

In america they are raving about a 900 million dollar expedition to mars. Well and good, Im all for space exploration but at what cost to the poor of this world. While one country has such riches another has such appalling sickening poverty. These kids were mainly orphans with some petty criminals thrown in for good measure. The kids have to steal to survive. They showed another part where these young ones girls and boys under ten were living in dumps and under bridges, just sitting there sniffing glue. That's their lives, nothing more but plenty less.

It makes me wonder, how can they talk new world order while this is going on. Its sickening that in this day and age it exists. Nothing is being done about it, close your eyes, turn away and never speak a sound.


The space shuttle is landing as I am typing just going through the atmosphere now. Four minutes. Well I do hope all is well for them I can't help thinking of the kids at this moment though.

Today's news

Internet Photo's
The Age I guess - Click here free Login Required

Technology and the law may make it impossible to take legal action against paedophiles and voyeurs who take innocuous photographs of young people and post them on the internet.
A discussion paper released by the federal government concedes it may be too difficult to come up with laws to stop people putting photographs on internet sites.
It follows incidents where suspected paedophiles have photographed children and posted the images online.
The photos were not indecent but had been taken and published without the knowledge and approval of the children or their parents.
The discussion paper said this caused distress to those involved and had made parents fearful of further occurrences.

Well really I mean come on, all these laws being created to protect us are driving us more and more into a locked space. I posted a pic of my son a while ago and showed some friends online. All they could comment on was that I had to cover up his private bits. Well wow, is that what it has come to. It was a perfectly natural picture of my loving son frolicking in the ocean and I have to think about covering him up. How draconian. Why should I have to do this? Why are these people out there and like they are? Why aren't they stopped? What created them?

US Arrest Pervert Coming To Queensland
Sigh - The Age...Well It is a good News Source, Click here

An American man has been arrested in a police sting before flying to Australia to allegedly sexually abuse children.
Harold Lynn Winslow, 55, was taken into custody by US customs and immigration officials at Florida's Tampa International Airport on Saturday.
Winslow's arrest was the culmination of a three-month sting in internet chatrooms by Queensland Police's child safety bureau Taskforce Argos, working in conjunction with US authorities.
The resident of Bradenton, Florida, apparently believed he was talking to an Australian grandfather who had been arrested for having sex with his grandchildren.
Instead he was talking to an undercover cop.

I mean this for instance. On way way you could say that it was a put up. That he was put up to a potential crime by the undercover cop pushing him but on the other he exists to hurt my children. its such a bad state for this place to be in. My kids can't be free because they never know the stranger within the person they are talking to, whether it be in real life or online.

Invisible Product Encoding
The Age Again

Australian scientists hope their latest tool to combat counterfeiting will go unnoticed.
The CSIRO has developed Hidden Image Technology (HIT) where markings, invisible to the naked eye, can be digitally encoded onto product labels and documents to ensure their authenticity.
The markings, created by computer and integrated into existing images such as company logos, can be seen only with a special viewer or filter, CSIRO project leader Peter Osvath said.
HIT, which is being secretly field tested now, could be used on anything from wine labels and concert tickets to passports and medicine packaging.
It could be used commercially within months.
"The idea is that when you print an image there is a certain amount of redundancy there so you can hide information within that image," Dr Osvath said.
"You can hide information which isn't apparent to the eye and then put some kind of screen over it and the hidden image appears."

Next they will be chipping humans and GPS tracking our every move. Its getting horrid and looking into the future of all this is very scary. Humans have ceased to care. Its get what you can out of it all and F*ck you Jack. Expendible, lets get rid of the excess. ..... But what is the answer, the human population is growing year by year and the resources are being depleted more and more year by year to an unsustainable level.

What do we do.... be like a lemming and jump.....or will there be the plague that wipes out just enough to get the world back into balance/ Who will cause it? Man by his mistakes or man on purpose? Will there be more blood on the conscience of our leaders...whoops I forgot they don't have a conscience.


The Senate and The Liberal Party

Well Little Johnny continues to scoff at what the people want and arrogantly push through his own...*hrumph....I mean Is it his own Agenda? Or is there greater forces at work there. But anyhows now he is cutting the questions by the opposition and others down in the senate. Once again it is becoming like a dictorship with Jack Boots Johnny at the helm..ah yes I see it now, the similarities, both creepy little men who suffer "short man's syndrome". All he needs is the moustache and if he starts growing one, Imma getting out of here fast. They don't see it, maybe its just me that sees the parallels between history and now..... Where are our freedoms, what is this "democracy" you speak of.

Am I inciting terrorism for speaking my mind? Am I considered to be a threat because I am speaking out against the government? I love my country, I love the people, all people but the leadership leaves much to be desired. I do not love that. Soon though the very right for me to speak this way in an internet blog will be banned. *sigh but can it be stopped? can our freedoms be restored? can we be at one with nature again? Or do we think we are above all other on this planet?


And Finally for the day, A picture of the future, my wonderful tribe of rugrats. I have six of my own plus three step children. Mine are Krystal 18, Kiralea 9, Kaelan 7, Shayla 5, Brodie 3, and Kahleah Celeste 1.

If anyones going to read my blog, have fun because I love posting pictures of my kids enjoying life.

Kiralea, Kaelan Shayla and Kahleah

The kids playing outside, with the scooter behind them in my very own crop circle of weirdness that just popped up one day. See this thread for more information on my looniness

I also ran an experiment and on the other side of the yard I got an old mattress and layed it on the grass for three weeks, I moved it two days ago and it was completely dead underneath but yet there is now new growth within in the area unlike my weirdness crop circle. Even the area of the cirlce seems indented.

More Picture Below

Kahleah and Kaelan

Brodie and Shayla doing what mum does best according to my own mum, that is shimmy up the clothesline. Like mum like kids I guess. I do admit they can climb just as well as I .... and I still can climb like the best of them.... More...


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